Thursday 23 November 2017

Coming to America - Part 3 by Nick Ferris

Nick was about two weeks into his loft living experience in New York, still living on an air mattress and waiting for his belongings to arrive when he received a phone call on Sept 10th. His girlfriend, whom he thought was packing up her own belongings (she was living in his apartment in London) had decided she would not be coming and called him to say so. He was heartbroken. Nick was very much in love at the time (at least he thought he was) and this was a devastating blow. It can be tough going to a new city or new country and it’s even tougher doing it alone. If you like articles by Nick Ferris you can also check out his marketing series including Nick Ferris - Marketing Tips, Phone Calls Aren't Dead Yet.

Nick put on a brave face, went to work that day and made it through somehow. The one good thing about being busy at work is it can distract you from your inner feelings of heartache and loneliness. It’s not until you get back home to your blow up mattress that things really set in. Don’t forget to check out other essays like Nick Ferris, Digital Marketing Beyond the Box.

The next day, Sept 11th Nick Ferris took the train to work as normal. Only this day, he took the wrong train. Uptown and Downtown sounds simple enough but for someone new in the city the platforms can sometimes be confusing and he ended up taking the train the wrong direction to the World Trade Centre. He quickly got off, crossed the platform and went back uptown to the offices on Madison in the 50s.

Nick Ferris had not been at work long when he received an email from my brother about a small plane crashing into the World Trade Centre. This had happened before and he had no reason to think it was anything other than just another accident. Then the calls started coming in from friends abroad and everyone became glued to their desks watching the news.

That was a day he’ll never forget as we all watched the World Trade Centres fall down. It was a surreal experience being in the city as it unfolded.

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