Tuesday 24 October 2017

Crowdfunding Basics Part 6 By Nick Ferris

Nick Ferris- Senior Media Executive & Global Digital Marketing Director, continues to look into the world of Crowdfunding and marketing tips to maximize your return and money raised.

Press Releases can be very be very daunting if you haven’t done one before, but for any crowdfunder you should consider writing and sending one out. For one, it makes your product or company look legitimate and it’s also another potential way of driving traffic and even potentially getting some publicity. Don’t forget to check out my other pieces such as Nick Ferris, KPIs An Overview too.

Writing a press release is nowhere near as hard as it sounds. For starters, there are many sites out on the internet that will give you easy templates to fill in. There’s no point re-inventing the wheel so take a look at other press releases, especially if there is a similar product or company in your industry and see how they structured and worded the release. Then you simply use that as a template and re-word to fit your product.

Press releases are also great ways to focus your copy-writing skills. What is the USP of your product? What are the features and benefits? It’s so important to think about your product and make sure you have the elevator pitch as well as bullet points - what is unique, what problem is it solving, why should people buy it and so on. Tag line is another good thing to include. Most products (Nike - Just Do it) (Home Depot - More Savings, More Doing) etc all have tag lines and the press release writing will help you focus on that too says Nick Ferris.

Once you have the release written, sending it out is also easy. There are many services that will send it out for you relatively cheaply. Many websites automatically pick up press releases so it will help you get the word out there and if you select the core industry you are in via the sending service you may get a journalist seeing the press release and writing about you. You’ll instantaneously get a boost in fundraising then. It may or may not happen but it’s worth a try!

Nick Ferris continues his insights into crowdfunding with a look at videos.

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